It's the time of the year. It's my birthday, December 13! A heartfelt thanks to God for an amazing life. I have been through a lot this year, success, rejections, heartache and struggle but still I'll keep praying and loving and saying yes to whatever God sends my way even with all the ups and downs, it's a life worth living and I wouldn't trade places with anybody.
If you wish for anything, what would it be?
I'm just happy to be doing the things I love, and that's one thing that keeps me going.
To the people I cherished and loved, thank you so much! You are all worth celebrating a hundred times over.
I just have to celebrate it earlier since work day falls on 13th- Boo!! But over all, it's been a fantastic birthday! 

Shout out to my sweet sister for cooking and preparing for the party! I'm such a lucky bear, I know! Hihi.
Making memories together with my new found friends and colleagues.
Thanks to my second family here in Dubai.
My family and my forever best friend. You will always be a constant source of my strength.
Again, thank you!